Puzzle is a process for further development of organizations. Taking the steps that are needed to formulate a strategic intent/goal and to realise it. Developing the work approach from within and to embed it. This can comprise a very tangible change in the direct communication between people in their roles, a development process for several groups or more over-arching change in the governance, processes and rhythms of organising.
It is about making steps in a context, to get pieces of the larger puzzle in place, in order to let energy flow toward the work and goals/strategic intent. Themes an be: governance, process-orientation, agility, improving work climate, autonomy and self-guidance, efficiency, quality improvement and assurance.
Scope and timeframe
These depend upon the nature of the questions and issues at hand.
We design the process based on these principles:
Strategic change requires leadership:
- In dialogue with management/Board we support clarity of vision, and the overall roadmap to realisation
- Provide vision, principles and boundaries from overarching leadership, so that people can see the change and find, take & make their changing roles
- Co-direct the process: ensure ‘action’, maintain contact with current reality and practice, share dilemma’s and hard parts, have the confrontations that are needed.
Intense cooperation with the customer – in clear roles. In many case we will cooperate with one of our partners, depending on the questions at hand.
The puzzle is never complete or ready, it is about finding and putting the pieces that help progress and fit in the broader context.
Do what you did and you get what you got. Change is about other patterns of behaviour, individually and collectively. This can be practical and small. It can also require deep learning – individually and collectively- as persons in role and context.
Working from business and personal essences and goals – connecting around these – creating openness, awareness, finding out together what is really helping and hindering
Change makes talent visible: working with others in creating change offers a lot of opportunity (nice and confronting) to learn and work on a next level.
The nature of development issues and underlying patterns can vary widely. Concrete experience shows that changes can lead to:
- Different strategic focus – governance – rhythm/pace/agility- roles & behaviour
- Acting differently – realising movement – reconnect with energy and essence. More openness and contact, more role clarity, more confrontation and focus.
- Entering a next phase, e.g. in a family business (in the various domains of the system) or becoming a self-standing business
- Shared leadership: more autonomy and influence at all work levels, to do the work and to take and grow roles in their context.